Next Theme: A Funny Story

Gretel's face

What's up. It's me again. I'm 6 months old now. I'm in that rebellious phase where I go and run and jump on the bed when mom tells me to go play in the yard. I'm milking my puppy status for all its worth.

Anyways, the theme for Method Press's second issue is out and it's a funny story.

We'll clue you all in later as to how we choose these themes each issue. It's pretty neat.

But now's the time--send in submissions [written] to and photo submissions to our flickr pool. We can't wait to look through what you create!

Keep in mind that written submissions can be themed or unthemed, and they don't have to necessarily be artistic either. If there is a funny story that shaped you from your day job, or some minute detail of your every day life-we'd love to hear it. We love to see things creatively represented, so surprise us!

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. You can look through the first issue of method press here, read our mission statement for inspiration here & see more pictures of me here. 

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